Thursday, November 25, 2010

Long time, no update...

I didn't realize it's been a month since I posted. Things have been busy around here. :)

- Claire turned 1 last Sunday. It's hard to believe a year has passed. She weighs 18 lbs. 6 oz. and is 29 inches tall now. This past year with her was full of so much emotion. I have been reading a few blogs written by moms of babies with liver issues since we started dealing with Claire's. In this last week, I've stumbled upon two more of babies with Biliary Atresia... the really bad thing we thought Claire had. I am more grateful than ever that we're not on that road and my heart breaks for those who are. I am so thankful for my (not-quite-a) baby girl and her health. She says some words now, runs around, drinks milk from cups (no more bottles or formula), eats everything in sight, hates the word "no" and is just a treasure. We love her so much.

- Brian and I both celebrated birthdays recently. Another year older, and feeling it. :)

- Lauren has grown leaps and bounds in preschool. She loves it and is so proud of herself. Brian, Claire and I joined her class for a Thanksgiving feast they prepared yesterday. It was so fun. Princess Ballerina Baby is growing up too.

- Josh is turning 11 in one month. He is, and always has been, a fantastic kid. He excels in school. He was recently selected to participate in the Midland Young Explorers program because his math and science grades are so good. His recent report card was great. I'm so proud of him. He starts middle school next year... I'm so not ready for that!

- Meghan is doing really well. In school, she's "achieving" everything she's working on in school. She's reading at a third grade level. Her writing is great and her handwriting is gorgeous. It's so much fun to watch her learn and grow. :)

Christmas is coming fast and therefore so is 2011. Time just flies! I can't wait to see what is ahead for us. :)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Thursday, October 7, 2010

"A Last Trip to Grandma's" - A tearjerker by Josh

Josh had a writing prompt to work from in school this week. The prompt was "Special Person Memory Story". The rest was up to the kids. This is his story:

A Last Trip to Grandma's

I got out of the car, and ran down the hill almost tumbling. Then I ran up, but it was so hard, I was like a turtle. It was worth it because I got to see my Great Grandma Gokey. This is a special memory because it was her last 4th of July.

I started by playing basketball. She watched us play. Every time I made a shot she clapped for me. After basketball, we ate. I sat next to Grandma Gokey. Sitting by her was amazing.

I loved my Great Grandma Gokey so much. That is why it hurt when she died. I feel like a very lucky person because I got to spend time with my Great Grandma Gokey. My Great Grandma loved me so much. We will go to her house every 4th of July because my aunt lives there! My Great Grandma was one amazing lady!

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Life has been crazy. This year, with three kids in school, has been busier than I anticipated. I'm not oblivious... just too busy to have figured that out earlier.

Josh is in fifth grade now. His teacher is fantastic. Homework is gobs better this year. He's even more of a rock star in math than he used to be and he's one in social studies/history too. He's playing trumpet in band now. He was in the MPS Fun Run yesterday and came in 61st of about 100 kids. He's in faith formation class (last year of those - next year he would start youth group if he decides to go). He is a busy, happy kid.

Meghan is in second grade. Her teacher is kind and Meghan likes her. She has more homework this year but tackles it happily. Her writing is fantastic. She tells me it's because she "wants it to be perfect". She is still reading well and loves it. She's in faith formation too and it's a big year... Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation.

Lauren is in preschool three days a week. She loves her class and everyone in it. I work in her class once a month (co-op preschool). She is learning a lot and it's fun to see. She has become a fantastic helper around the house. Brian and I can see her maturing (for the most part) and it's fun to watch. She started faith formation this year and I am helping to teach her class. So far, so good.

Claire is growing up quickly. Her third tooth just poked through. She eats like a two-year old. She's taken a few steps but refuses to do it full-time so far. She says a lot of random words ("Spongebob", "I'm hungry") and cracks us up. She's a monkey, climbing stairs and into chairs, and is just a joy.

A month ago, Meghan had hives for a week and a half. Then a week and a half later, she got strep. Two days before Meghan finished her medicine, Claire got croup. It's been yucky and I'm ready for the return of my healthy kids.

I've been stressed. Work's been crazy, life has been busy and I feel like I barely have time to breathe. But I've made some new friends and gotten closer to existing ones and I'm enjoying my time with them and it's keeping me semi-sane.

Brian turns 40 in a month! We're having a party, open house style. If you're reading this and think you'd like to come help us celebrate, drop me a note with your mailing address (or leave me your email address and I'll get your address from you).

'Tis all for now - so I think. I'm making a list and heading to the store soon this morning. We're having friends over to watch some football, have lunch and play today. It's day like this that help in that quest for sanity. :)


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Done with Ann Arbor

Claire had her last blood draw...

... and then went to Ann Arbor. She played while waiting for the doctor...

... and wanted to know why I was taking pictures.

She tried to eat the paper (or maybe it was just fun to rip off the examining table).

And then checked out Dr. Bhatt one last time after we got the good news that she's been released from her care.

Yay Claire! We're done! And your liver is perfectly fine!!!

The School Year Has Begun

Josh started 5th grade today and Meghan started 2nd. Lauren starts preschool a week from today. I'm always a sap when the kids go to school but they're so excited that it's a bit easier on me.

Here are a few pictures from this morning.

I take their picture in front of the school sign every year. Josh has informed me that I'm not allowed to when he starts middle school next year *sniff*.

Dakota (see note below about why he was over this morning), Josh, Meghan and Lauren

Emily and Meghan - best friends (who were also brave on the rides together at the fair this summer)

Emily and Meghan with their favorite baby, Claire

So this year should be interesting and busy at our house. Josh's friend Dakota will be at our house every morning, as Eastlawn's new breakfast timing/rules don't allow for his mom to drop him off at school before work anymore. Brian will take him to school with our kids. Josh's best friend, Dylan, and his brother Dominic will be at our house after school every day until their mom gets out of work (around 5:15, just like me). So Brian will be bringing them home with our kids every day. Brian is apparently officially running "Daddy Daycare". :) It's all good, though, as the kids will have extra motivation to get moving in the morning (play time with Dakota) and will have friends to play with in the afternoon to blow off steam after school. :)

Friday, August 20, 2010